Lost Lake trail run with Ashely in Seward, Grandma's birthday, drive to McCarthy and Kennicott mine.
Ashley ran the 16 mile race with 600 people while Seth and I hiked the opposite way and cheered her on, our athlete did really, really well so I guess her training crew should feel proud. That was one of the most beautiful trails I have been on in Alaska.
A few weekends ago we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's compound for Grandma's 83 birthday celebration. She put on the shirt I gave her but has admitted it is now in the rag bin, at least I tried. It was nice to see all the cousins and Danis who lives in California was an excellent mix to the day as her family was on a visit.
We than floated down the Galkanna river with Brandon in a canoe, oh my. The reason you will see no pictures is we fell out of the boat three times within the first two hours of the trip and on one of those spills I barely caught the camera as it floated down the river. We saw Moose swimming across the river, beavers, caribou, eagles and lots of giant dead King Salmon. It was a gorgeous trip and with a less full canoe and less people in the canoe the trip would be a dream. I must saw roasting steaks over a fire on a stick with blue cheese for dinner was great, a real testosterone show steak on a stick, whiskey and wet socks.
This last weekend we drove to McCarthy with Aunt Bonnie, 8 hours each way but the colors were great and nice to get out of Anchorage. McCarthy is a funny little town, town being too large a word, maybe outcropping would be better. The old copper mine was neat and who would guess the weather was fantastic, we laid on the glacier and napped, here in Anchorage one could guess.. it was ugly clouds and rain.
Last but not least because of the Palin disaster Alaska is no longer a swing state and so our fantastic Obama campaign worker Melanie is leaving next week, she will be missed although I imagine I count the number of times I actually saw her on two hands. They work the Obama kids hard so I hope they can turn someone else's state around, we'll just keep being embarrassed by our right wing wack job with large hair.