A good time was had by all in Washington, all two of us, that makes it unanimous, nice to see a little sunshine. Tales of "The storm of the century" were heard, apparently it really snowed in the Upper One while we were enjoying sun, rock climbing with no hats on and watching the grass green. Gail and Melissa's new house was a real treat as was Gail's cooking, whew, have to come home to fat camp. Staying with M & G and their cats made me realize how lazy Spycat is.
The picture below is of a newt I first spotted on the trail near the Columbia river, very large and slow, and I thought pretty far from any water.
Other pictures are of climbing at Vantage, the feathers and Frenchmen's Coulee, those three might all be the same spot, or different spots for different names, or all different spots and all the wrong names, ah well.
Back home it is sunny non-stop, light till 8:oopm and world class skate skiing. Seth and Caroline surprised me with new skiis and poles, makes a world of difference. Maybe Arctic to Indian this weekend, the ski that really marks the coming of Spring for me, only worth it to make the annual trek through a mountain pass with full sun and lots of good food in this opinion.
Cat has made a beautiful full recovery from her "incident" a little surgery after an epic sounding battle with Stan the neighbor cat, she is quickly using up her vet quota around here. Nick took excellent care of the birds and cat while we were gone, I had no doubt.