With a little sunshine the farm animals really start to look beautiful. For your viewing pleasure here is Ginger in her fall glamour shot and the chickens dust bathing in my flower beds. On a similar note I just opened up the linen closet to put away a towel and out jumps Spy cat like it's her usual to be in the closet all morning, she just rubbed my leg and walked over the food bowl, as if to say, "Good morning Bonnie, I'm simply famished, have you eaten yet?"
The picture of the dog and the chicken happens to be our newest friendship. David Green, something of a loner chicken has developed a taste for Ginger's canned dog food and stops in the arctic entry around 6 ish each evening to clean-up whatever Ginger doesn't care for, David Green is the first up every morning, last to bed and now her plucky resolve has been rewarded, she is the only chicken eating beef in a rich gravy each night. Yes, she may look like a cross between a taradactal and a drowned chicken but she is very smart. She is named after a local fur coat retailer because she wears a fur coat and owns no feathers.