Tuesday, September 25, 2012

It's my second week with the boys and as I type they are both napping, it's like the perfect storm, who will wake first and when? Yikes, like walking on egg shells.

Yesterday it finally cleared up and the sun came out!! We went for a walk and enjoyed the park, beautiful views of the ocean and mountains.  The boys just love to swing and since there is only one baby swing they share, I hope that lasts for a while because neither has any concept of sharing.

This weekend Seth didn't work! Like a vacation! While he was out cutting down trees off the barn at the Old House Milo and I cleaned the yard. I finally gave up and let him chew on a large pine cone, better than the Monkshood leaves one might figure.  He enjoyed rides in the wheelbarrow ride and watching the chickens cluck around.  Chickens who I might add forgot how much they love slugs? They seemed afraid, 1 egg a day and now they are afraid of slugs, spendy little pets we have wondering around.

Milo, king of the wheel barrow.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A few milestones checked off

The other day Milo took his first steps. I think they count, he didn't walk yet or anything but he stepped than fell, that counts right? We walk him around the house holding onto a shoelace or his little fishing pole, not bad ah?

Clapping has really miffed the little fellow.  Instead of clapping he does this....

And lastly he has started to say "Mama." Yep, it's only when he is tired or hungry or grumpy so you see where I fit in, all the 'Daddas' come when he is happy.  He just crawls around saying 'Dadda' and than heavily pants and greets Seth at the door when he comes home each evening.

Wind Storm #3!

Yep, it's has been windy here in town.  A few weeks ago school was canceled, that awesome, Ash and the boys and I did a 'Tour de damage' of the neighborhood.  Here are a few pics of that.
The neighbors tree.  

One of our parks had quite a bit of damage.
The last two windstorms seem to have been a bust.  The boys and I were home all day yesterday and no wind to speak of.  We took a very wet walk, there is flooding everywhere and reports of wind damage on the other side of town but looks like once again Government Hill remains supreme in many ways.

Life with the boys is non stop, although yesterday they both napped at the same time, three times! So yes, there are breaks, great ones.  Mostly it is Milo taking whatever it is Mac has shown any interest in, measuring cups, baster brush, rings, it doesn't matter.  Sharing is a concept that is far off but I better start training myself.  Milo does get very jealous when I feed Mac and has been known to bite Mac's toes or my leg to get attention I assume, Rose devised a system of feeding Milo at the same time, thank goodness he can feed himself now or Mac's toes would be in trouble.

Measurement time while I made cookies, that is Milo taking away Mac's toys.

Turns out Mac was crying because Milo bit his finger, I don't know why Milo was crying, hopefully out of remorse.

"What? We're not doing anything." They both look like they've been up to trouble.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Back from Tahoe

We are a week back from Tahoe and the bags are yet to be put away and Seth still says, "I miss California." It was beautiful, sunny every morning, you don't wake up and run to the window the way you do here, you just know, it will be sunny.  We didn't see a cloud for nine days.

The trip started off well, plane rides with Milo were a breeze he was wonderful.  Seattle airport has a padded room much like an insane asylum but for children, Milo was crazy about it, mostly just watching the other kids. In the airport he stood on his own for the first time!

Once in California we went broke at Whole Foods and hit the Hot Springs, spending two nights at Grover Hot Springs where I wouldn't let Milo eat anything he dropped on the ground for fear of Haunta Virus, those Chipmunks are just like rats.  It was great there, we soaked in the springs and hiked.

A three day backpack trip in the Sierra's was amazing.  A little boat took us across a lake with stone cabins lining it, 4 miles up into granite peaks and clear lakes.  Milo played in the sand and was an excellent little hiker.  Seth's backpack was very far above his head, people liked to make comments.

After a quick clean up at the KOA a drive to Reno was in order, we shopped the Patagonia outlet and ate some Mexican at the friendliest place. In short the wedding on the bank of Lake Tahoe was beautiful.  A boat tour of the lake was amazing, hiking was warm and sunny.  The reception was at a Norwegian themed mansion overlooking the lake with the best music of any wedding thus far and Milo slept soundly so Seth and I really cut up the rug. The next night was spent at the mansion with the groom Steve's British friends who were great, I left feeling like we had 20 new friends.

Now the school week begins, Rose watched the boys, classes went well and it's time to ease into cool 50 degree temps and overcast skies.  The one break came on Wednesday when school was canceled due to a wind storm.  The sunflowers fared alright, Anchorage is still restoring power, we were lucky no damage.  Our neighbor lost his beautiful weeping willow and people all over town are cleaning up.

It's the weekend and Pat and Caroline are coming home on Monday night.  A celebratory dinner is planned, we will blow their minds with warm food and carpet! Their website is incredible and humbling.  There is speculation as to how they will adjust, a big journey as ended for them.  http://carolineandpat.wordpress.com/2012/03/

Snow sculpture

Snow sculpture
Fur Rondy

Headed on a hike

Headed on a hike
Watana March to the River


Reindeer run amuk in downtown