Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's nap time around this house and someone is talking to himself instead of sleeping.

Seems like Halloween was just last week, wrong.  Mom comes next week because it is Thanksgiving.  It seems like once school starts things just don't stop.

Milo and I went to Toddle Time at the Rec Center and than brought Seth some lunch, big afternoon.

Here are a few pics of Kidoween at Ashley and Scott's house.  There were 9 babies, we lined them all up on the couch and Milo started to cry, than they are started to cry.  The picture is not as cute with all the Mom's but at least there were no tears.  Rocket Man was uneasy in his costume, but once he stripped it off he was able to grab food off people's plates, run away with beer cans and in general, party really hard.

Pensive stare courtesy: Rocket Man

Rocket Man and his German counterpart
Seth is back from his trip to the cabin.  It looks cold but beautiful ah?

Wiring, insulation and almost all the siding done

Snow sculpture

Snow sculpture
Fur Rondy

Headed on a hike

Headed on a hike
Watana March to the River


Reindeer run amuk in downtown