Ever since the sun started coming out life just feels fresher, smells better, energy levels are higher and positive. It could smell better because the shower is working and massages your feet so nicely and with the two shower heads Seth and I are CLEAN. Raking the lawn, biking around and wearing thinner jackets makes the quality of life just BETTER.
Skiing after work was a great time, went with Scott and Chad, clear blue skies and views of the steaming volcano, good snow in spots too. Dinner with Ashley afterwards was FANTASTIC.
Katey's wedding was good times and having friends over afterwards to pizza at our house was DELICOUS. So many talented chefs in one room really made for quite a night, friends who have been gone for a while too and to see again, so nice. It was also a test of the new kitchen layout to have 15 for dinner and it seems Seth has done it again, there was easily 4 people cooking and the other 11 gathered around the island and it seemed really comfortable, nice work S.Andersen.
The garden will be big this year, we are leaving for the month of July to Colorado and Washington but no deal, nothing really comes to fruit until August anyhow. I tried to seed save, hop on the bandwagon but it didn't really work, will have to read up on it and try again another year. For now the lights Seth gave me for Christmas a few years ago are doing good and Seth's light rotation system is wonderful.
The neighborhood was come alive with people and dogs and Seth and I just sit at our nerd stations and type away while enjoying the view.