Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Finally, finally, finallllyyyyyy

Well, it is about time. I knew it all along, it is just hard to get too many people to agree (vocally in public that is). The McDonald's breakfast sandwich has something about it, if I could spell Jensi say quay I would use it to describe the treat. , You know, a flavor that makes you wonder why you love it so. It captured me in the airports after a flight from Anchorage to somewhere which was already a good thing than to throw in the soft biscuit, salty questionable meet and maybe a slice of processed cheese like goo and you have heaven. Mom didn't swing through Mc Donald's much when we were little but let me tell you, that is a woman who knows taste and she will cut loose in an early morning situation. Two years ago when driving from Idaho to Montana we got on a serious Iced Coffee kick that I don't even want to go into but we didn't shy from the paper wrapped breakfast sammies thats for sure, girl don't mess with her breakfast biscuit.

Well now vindication is mine, a very cool, very serious, very fancy pantsy cooking magazine, Savior has written a whole story on the early morning love obsession. I will leave it at this: If we are ever in an airport together and the Burger King (sub par) or Mc Donald's is closed for renovation be afraid!!!!!! Aunt Bonnie, Mom and probably parts of the Malecha family will back me up on this one.

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