Sunday, November 27, 2011

Well, I know that my blog readership is at an all time high, one shouldn't fool themselves, I know what you are waiting for...... me too. Until that time, whenever it happens I will just humor myself and keep busy with documenting life around here. I remember a time when Mo wrote on Skpye, "talk to me people, I have nothing but time." Oh, Mo, those words are certainly ringing true around here.

Seth is working on a model of our cabin in Homer, I am loving every quality minute with Elna. Oh, Elna? She is my new sewing machine. Mom gave me an early Christmas present and my do I enjoy spending time with her, the decorative stitches, the easy to thread needle, she is just lovely.

It is cold around here, really cold, -3? No wonder the little fellow won't come out. Seth says we will have an entire lifetime with him so we should just enjoy our quiet time now, yeah, that is true.

I took two pictures of my favorite book my friend Becky gave us, "Hatched." It's too funny.

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Snow sculpture

Snow sculpture
Fur Rondy

Headed on a hike

Headed on a hike
Watana March to the River


Reindeer run amuk in downtown