Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring has sprung here in Anchorage. I am back to work and Seth is now off to the cabin, or the cabin site really. Milo and I are just a duo these days, Seth has been sending some great pics and reports it's been the hottest he has ever experienced in Homer. Milo and I have been out for runs, walks and afternoon sun sprawls, all very nice. Don was baby sitting for us the two weeks while I was at work, so great. He showed up every morning at the crack of 7:28am in a button up shirt and kaki pants, overnight bag so he could shower while Milo napped. Those two had a ball together,they cuddled, walked, Costco shopped, went swimming twice and bonded in general. Don's goal was to imprint and I am afraid it worked. We went to lunch today with Aunt Bonnie and Don had Milo the whole time, awful nice to eat an uninterrupted meal.

 Here are some pictures of the first seiner load to Bear Island. Seth left Anchorage at 4:30 am and had unloaded 42,ooo lbs of building materials by 10pm at the island. The seiner pulled up under the fish dock in the Homer Harbor and Spenard Builder's Supply pulled under a crane up above as I understand it. The crane lowered the wood on to the seiner and the seiner slowly made it's way down the bay to our island. Seth reports a seiner usually carries it's load of fish in the lower hold and isn't used to it's heavy weight up above on the deck but they lucked out with great weather so the trip was smooth. The seiner had a crane as you can kind of see from the pictures so it was nice to pull up at high tide and unload straight to our dock. Now Josiah (the builder who is working with us on the cabin) and Seth have built a ramp that they pull the materials from the dock to the top of the island with a wench. Tomorrow two boys from Homer are coming out to help load the wood up the very slow ramp while Seth and Josiah began laying out the cabin footers and digging holes.

 Meanwhile, in the big shitty city Milo and stay busy with errands to the oil change station, grocery store and walks and runs with friends. We are signed up for the Turnagain Arm trail run in a few weeks along the bluff overlooking Turnagain arm, so beautiful. Than it's to the triathalon for me, better start biking to school. In other big news there is a new member of the family. Melissa and Gail welcomed Sherlock into the family last week and he is a really striking dog. Fun to see him and Rum Doodle play together.

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Snow sculpture

Snow sculpture
Fur Rondy

Headed on a hike

Headed on a hike
Watana March to the River


Reindeer run amuk in downtown