Saturday, January 18, 2014

Looks like we really fell off the wagon around here.  What it seems happens is that I started work and now it's mid January and we have some catching up to do.  Before our new addition arrives here are some updates on the progress of our first son.

Halloween was a hit. A confusing idea for a two year old.
The magician had quite a time.

The three of us visited Montana for Thanksgiving.  Lots of family and food was had, good times.  Milo celebrated his second birthday and cooked his own cake, a new love of mixers was born.

Christmas was a good time.  Cutting a Christmas tree at Grandma's house, our best so far I think.  Lots of Christmas cooking baking, visiting the Gingerbread village at the Captain Cook, ice sculptures and tuba Christmas concert.

Milo's new love of cooking earned him a mini kitchen and lots of wooden food to cut up for Christmas.  This keeps him very busy.

And in three weeks we will meet our star's sibling.  

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Snow sculpture

Snow sculpture
Fur Rondy

Headed on a hike

Headed on a hike
Watana March to the River


Reindeer run amuk in downtown