Monday, September 14, 2009

Bringing home the beef

Well, today I left school at 3:20 and drove to Palmer, finally found the butchers and picked up 9 boxes of beef formally known as April. Than I called everyone who helped with her and worked for her and now they will come pick pieces of her up and take her home and eat.

As one might guess the butchers was a real salt of the earth kind of place. The building is surrounded by barbed wire and advertises that criminals work there but just drive on through, a man in a very dirty McCain hat will great you and tell you how much he likes to talk politics with your Grandfather. When the car is weighted down until you are worried to drive home, head to Grandma and Grandpa's shop buy a really expensive Le Crusit Dutch oven to cook all that beef in and head home. Hopefully Uncle Bob wants that hide in my trunk, the dirty dude with the pony tail gently let me know "it will start stink'n here real soon. "

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