Thursday, September 3, 2009

this time of year in Alaska......

With the start of fall there is so much to do.
Today was Seth's last day at his job, they had a nice going away party now he is blowing up the raft for this weekend's rafting trip.
I have been working on the mural for the rock wall at school, slow going when you are looking at 60 ft. of blank wall.
In a nutshell we have been to the Van Hemert's cabin to say goodbye to Hendrick and Sara, fishing at Willow creek ( I caught a nice big silver) berry picking, floated the Kenai and now rafting the Chulitna over Labor Day.
At night we are pouring over paint samples for the house color, any color but pink seems to be the general decision. Is dark blue too dark for a small house?

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Snow sculpture

Snow sculpture
Fur Rondy

Headed on a hike

Headed on a hike
Watana March to the River


Reindeer run amuk in downtown